Ordering Instructions


Biomaterials including lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) and DNA samples are distributed only to qualified professional individuals who are associated with recognized research, medical, educational, or industrial organizations engaged in health-related research or health delivery. There are two requirements for ordering biomaterials from NINDS Human Genetics DNA and Cell Line Repository (NINDS Repository) to ensure compliance with the Office for Protection from Research Risks (OPHR), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulations for the protection of human subjects (45 CFR Part 46).

  1. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH INTENT A description of the research to be done with the cell cultures or DNA samples must be provided to the NINDS Repository.
  2. Material Transfer Agreement for Biospecimens (MTA) detailing the terms and conditions of sale must be signed by the principal investigator and the institutional official who can make legal commitments on behalf of the institution.
  3. Please see Acknowledgement Instructions

Each order placed with the NINDS Repository must be placed electronically using our online catalog system. The information required by the Statement of Research Intent can be submitted electronically during the checkout of the order. The MTA Form (if not already on file) must be submitted by email or using Docusign before an order can be reviewed and approved - this form can be downloaded during the checkout process or may be obtained by contacting Customer Service (see below)


All biomaterial requesters must register and create a catalog account with Coriell. For creating and updating catalog account please visit Coriell Catalog Account.

The NINDS Repository Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) and any accompanying paperwork should be  emailed to:

customerservice@coriell.org or NINDS@coriell.org


NINDS Repository biomaterial requesters are responsible for the shipping charges. Shipping charges vary depending upon the mode of shipment designated by the sample requesters. Coriell recommends the following couriers:

  • Federal Express  (US and international, ambient and frozen).

                - Domestic shipments are strongly recommended via FedEx with second day delivery guarantee


    Lymphoblastoid Cell Line (LCL)

    LCLs are typically shipped frozen and on dry ice. Upon receipt, LCLs should be stored in liquid nitrogen or liquid nitrogen vapor as appropriate.

    All LCL cultures are grown and frozen in antibiotic-free media to aid in the detection and prevention of contamination. Cultures are tested and found free of mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi during expansion and at the time of frozen storage. In addition, gender determination and fingerprinting using highly polymorphic microsatellite markers are performed for sample authentication.

    DNA Samples

    All DNA vials are shipped at ambient temperature. Recipients should centrifuge the vials prior to opening. Storage at -80oC is recommended to maintain the integrity of the DNA.

    All DNA samples prepared by the NINDS Repository are characterized for the following:

    1. OD260 /OD280 ratio
    2. concentration
    3. microsatellite analysis for sample authentication


    Each shipment includes a packing slip and general information about requested biomaterials. Specific details for each sample and pertinent reference citations (if available) are found the Coriell Web Catalog. Search the catalog by using the catalog number.

    Pertinent suggestions to improve the effectiveness of the Repository are appreciated.