Coriell Institute for Medical Research
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dbGaP Study Description: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Repository Parkinson's Disease Collection
dbGaP Study Detail Description: The NINDS repository was established in October 2001 with the goal of developing standardized, broadly useful diagnostic and other clinical data, as well as a collection of DNA and cell line samples to further advance gene discovery of neurological disorders. All samples and both phenotypic and genotypic data are available to the research community including academic and industry scientists. This collection includes thousands of samples and associated phenotypic data sets from individuals with Parkinsonism, including Parkinson's disease (PD). Epidemiological studies have shown an estimated cumulative prevalence of PD of greater than 1 per thousand. When prevalence is limited to senior populations, this proportion increases nearly 10-fold. The estimated genetic risk ratio for PD is approximately 1.7 (70% increased risk for PD if a sibling has PD) for all ages, and increases over 7-fold for those under age 66 years. The role for genes contributing to the risk of PD is therefore significant.
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