Coriell Institute for Medical Research
Catalog ID: NDPT107

This panel contains 5 micrograms of DNA/well from 92 unique and unrelated White non-Hispanic individuals with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Of these, 28 are males and 64 are females, and age of onset ranges from 25-61 years (average is 47 years). All are from North America. Two samples are replicated on the plate as an internal control (ND00653, ND05887), and two wells remain empty for additional laboratory controls.

Data collected on these subjects Clinical consist of the cerebrovascular disease (CVD) Clinical Data Elements, including primary clinical diagnosis (type of CVD), medical history for several CVD risk factors, and medical history for a number of other neurological disorders. Most researchers believe that CVD has complex environmental risk factors (Meschia 2003, The Lancet 2(8):459), and because of clinical and genetic complexity, the optimal phenotyping approach for CVD is not yet known. The CVD CDEs are designed to capture data that are, by an educated guess based on current information, useful for gene discovery. However, these are likely to change over time, and ideally should, as our knowledge of the genetics in these disorders increases.

Other than subarachnoid hemorrhage, none of the subjects on the panel reported a history of any other neurological illness. All samples and data were collected with informed consent under local IRB approved protocols. These samples are generously shared by Drs. Joseph Broderick and William Young.

Acknowledgement of the NINDS Repository in Publications

Please cite the panel number and the NINDS Repository in any publications, and share those referencesthe NINDS Repository Management Team at Coriell ( Portions or all of this statement may be used in publications relevant to this panel. Other Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Samples
Additional subarachnoid hemorrhage samples are available via the NINDS Repository catalogue. Single samples from this panel can also be obtained, individually.

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