NHGRI Sample Repository for Human Genetic Research
Subcollection |
NHGRI Sample Repository for Human Genetic Research |
Quantity |
25 µg |
Quantitation Method |
Please see our FAQ |
Biopsy Source
Peripheral vein
Cell Type
Tissue Type
Epstein-Barr Virus
Sample Source
DNA from LCL
Country of Origin
Family Member
Relation to Proband
Homo sapiens
Common Name
Species of Origin Confirmed by Nucleoside Phosphorylase,Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, and Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme Electrophoresis |
Remarks |
Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria; all four grandparents are Yoruba |
Ford LC, Jang S, Chen Z, Zhou YH, Gallins PJ, Wright FA, Chiu WA, Rusyn I., A Population-Based Human In Vitro Approach to Quantify Inter-Individual Variability in Responses to Chemical Mixtures Toxics10: 2022 |
PubMed ID: 36006120 |
Chan W, Lee M, Yeo ZX, Ying D, Grimaldi KA, Pickering C, Yang MMS, Sundaram SK, Tzang LCH, Development and validation of next generation sequencing based 35-gene hereditary cancer panel Hereditary cancer in clinical practice18:9 2019 |
PubMed ID: 32368312 |
Triqueneaux G, Burny C, Symmons O, Janczarski S, Gruffat H, Yvert G, Cell-to-cell expression dispersion of B-cell surface proteins is linked to genetic variants in humans Communications biology3:346 2019 |
PubMed ID: 32620900 |
Zhang Z, Luo K, Zou Z, Qiu M, Tian J, Sieh L, Shi H, Zou Y, Wang G, Morrison J, Zhu AC, Qiao M, Li Z, Stephens M, He X, He C, Genetic analyses support the contribution of mRNA N Nature genetics3:346 2019 |
PubMed ID: 32601472 |
Wang SH1, Hsiao CJ2, Khan Z3, Pritchard JK4,5,6., Post-translational buffering leads to convergent protein expression levels between primates Genome Biology19:83 2018 |
PubMed ID: 29950183 |
Xue Y, Zhang X, Huang N, Daly A, Gillson CJ, Macarthur DG, Yngvadottir B, Nica AC, Woodwark C, Chen Y, Conrad DF, Ayub Q, Mehdi SQ, Li P, Tyler-Smith C, Population differentiation as an indicator of recent positive selection in humans: an empirical evaluation Genetics183:1065-77 2009 |
PubMed ID: 19737746 |
Riethman H, Human subtelomeric copy number variations Cytogenetic and genome research123:244-52 2008 |
PubMed ID: 19287161 |
Boyko AR, Williamson SH, Indap AR, Degenhardt JD, Hernandez RD, Lohmueller KE, Adams MD, Schmidt S, Sninsky JJ, Sunyaev SR, White TJ, Nielsen R, Clark AG, Bustamante CD, Assessing the evolutionary impact of amino acid mutations in the human genome PLoS genetics4:e1000083 2007 |
PubMed ID: 18516229 |
Crawford DC, Nord AS, Badzioch MD, Ranchalis J, McKinstry LA, Ahearn M, Bertucci C, Shephard C, Wong M, Rieder MJ, Schellenberg GD, Nickerson DA, Heagerty PJ, Wijsman EM, Jarvik GP, A common VLDLR polymorphism interacts with APOE genotype in the prediction of carotid artery disease risk Journal of lipid research49:588-96 2007 |
PubMed ID: 18056683 |
Gallagher CJ, Keene KL, Mychaleckyj JC, Langefeld CD, Hirschhorn JN, Henderson BE, Gordon CJ, Freedman BI, Rich SS, Bowden DW, Sale MM, Investigation of the estrogen receptor-alpha gene with type 2 diabetes and/or nephropathy in African-American and European-American populations Diabetes56:675-84 2007 |
PubMed ID: 17327435 |
Podder M, Ruan J, Tripp W, Chu E, Tebbutt J, Robust SNP genotyping by multiplex PCR and arrayed primer extension BMC medical genomics1:5 2007 |
PubMed ID: 18237385 |
de Bakker PI, McVean G, Sabeti PC, Miretti MM, Green T, Marchini J, Ke X, Monsuur AJ, Whittaker P, Delgado M, Morrison J, Richardson A, Walsh EC, Gao X, Galver L, Hart J, Hafler DA, Pericak-Vance M, Todd JA, Daly MJ, Trowsdale J, Wijmenga C, Vyse TJ, Beck S, Murray SS, Carrington M, Gregory S, Deloukas P, Rioux JD, A high-resolution HLA and SNP haplotype map for disease association studies in the extended human MHC Nature Genetics38(10):1166-1172 2006 |
PubMed ID: 16998491 |
Redon R, Ishikawa S, Fitch KR, Feuk L, Perry GH, Andrews TD, Fiegler H, Shapero MH, Carson AR, Chen W, Cho EK, Dallaire S, Freeman JL, González JR, Gratacòs M, Huang J, Kalaitzopoulos D, Komura D, MacDonald JR, Marshall CR, Mei R, Montgomery L, Nishimura K, Okamura K, Shen F, Somerville MJ, Tchinda J, Valsesia A, Woodwark C, Yang F, Zhang J, Zerjal T, Zhang J, Armengol L, Conrad DF, Estivill X, Tyler-Smith C, Carter NP, Aburatani H, Lee C, Jones KW, Scherer SW, Hurles ME, Global variation in copy number in the human genome Nature444:444-54 2006 |
PubMed ID: 17122850 |
Altshuler D, Brooks LD, Chakravarti A, Collins FS, Daly MJ, Donnelly P; International HapMap Consortium, A haplotype map of the human genome. Nature437(7063):1299-320 2005 |
PubMed ID: 16255080 |
Bustamante CD, Fledel-Alon A, Williamson S, Nielsen R, Hubisz MT, Glanowski S, Tanenbaum DM, White TJ, Sninsky JJ, Hernandez RD, Civello D, Adams MD, Cargill M, Clark AG, Natural selection on protein-coding genes in the human genome Nature437:1153-7 2005 |
PubMed ID: 16237444 |
Randolph AG, Lange C, Silverman EK, Lazarus R, Silverman ES, Raby B, Brown A, Ozonoff A, Richter B, Weiss ST, The IL12B gene is associated with asthma. Am J Hum Genet75(4):709-15 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15322986 |