AREDS phenotype data, genetic data, and fundus and lens photographs are available in the dbGaP.

The AREDS phenotype data has 2 groups of data tables:

  • Project Data Tables (12 tables): 
    • Data from all participants enrolled in AREDS (4,757) are included.
    • All phenotype variables are included
    • Originally these tables used a variable named ID number as the participant ID; this was replaced in a subsequent version of the dbGaP by a variable called ID2 number to match the participant ID used in the Phenotype Data Tables.
    • Originally only 11 data tables were included but a table with sunlight exposure was later added in a subsequent version of the dbGaP.
  • Phenotype Data Tables (2 tables): 
    • Only data from participants with a genetic specimen (3,700+) are included.
    • Only a subset of the phenotype variables available in the Project Data Tables are included.
  • Subject Consent and Sample Mapping (2 tables): 
    • AREDS_Subject has consent group information
    • AREDS_Sample has genetic specimen information (includes mapping to Coriell specimen ID)

A detailed User’s Guide  for the AREDS phenotype data in the dbGaP is also available. This User's Guide is meant to be a comprehensive document which explains the complexities of the AREDS data. It is recommended that all researchers using the AREDS phenotype data make use of this User's Guide.

Each data table in the dbGaP is divided into 2 consent groups:

  • General Research Use (GRU):  
    • For these subjects, the ID2 number is the same as the ID number.
    • This allows the genotype data to be linked to all phenotype data in the Project Data Tables.
    • The ID number was later replaced by the ID2 number in a subsequent version of the dbGaP.
  • Eye Disease Research Only (EDO):
    • For these subjects, the ID2 number is NOT the same as the ID number. The ID2 number is a 4-digit code that begins with the letter ‘G’.
    • Originally this meant that only the phenotype data available in the Phenotype Data Tables could be linked to the genotype data. However, since ID2 number replaced ID number in the Project Data tables in a subsequent version of the dbGaP, the Project Data tables can also be linked to the genotype data.

The AREDS genetic data currently includes the following data:

  • Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Genotypes (Array): 210 EDO participants, 1667 GRU participants

Submitting Genotype Data Obtained from AREDS DNA to the dbGaP

In order to enhance the value of the dbGaP to the scientific research community, researchers who genotype AREDS DNA are encouraged to submit their data to the dbGaP once their results have been published. For information about how to submit these data to the dbGaP, please contact:

Michael Feolo, PhD 
National Center for Biotechnology Information 
Phone: (301) 402-2874 