Peruvian in Lima, Peru [PEL]

Available Samples Family Relationships
Cell Cultures: 122
DNA: 122
DNA Sample Panel: MGP00011
 Trios:  35
 Unrelated Individuals:  17


Population Description

These cell lines and DNA samples were prepared from blood samples collected from people living in the Lima-Callao, Peru metropolitan who identify themselves as having four grandparents who were born in Peru.

The samples were collected from people from many different parts of Peru. Also, many of their ancestors came from different regions of Europe and Africa. 

Referring to Populations

It is important to refer to this community as "Peruvian in Lima, Peru" when describing these samples in articles or presentations. These samples should not be referred to as “Hispanic” or “Latino” since these are cultural designators, encompassing diverse communities.

The full population descriptor is Peruvian in Lima, Peru and the abbreviation is PEL.

Additional guidance about how to refer to the populations can be found at Guidelines for Referring to the Populations in Publications and Presentations.

Principal Investigator 

  • Carla Gallo - Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru  
  • Giovanni Poletti - Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru


  1. Mao X, Bigham AW, Mei R, Gutierrez G, Weiss KM, Brutsaert TD, Leon-Velarde F, Moore LG, Vargas E, McKeigue PM, Shriver MD, Parra EJ. (2007) A genomewide admixture mapping panel for Hispanic/Latino populations. Am J Hum Genet 80(6):1171-8.
  2. Price AL, Patterson N, Yu F, Cox DR, Waliszewska A, Mcdonald GJ, Tandon A, Schirmer C, Neubauer J, Bedoya G, Duque C, Villegas A, Bortolini M-C, Salzano Fm, Gallo C, Mazzotti G, Tello-Ruiz M, Riba L, Aguilar-Salinas CA, Canizales-Quinteros S, Menjivar M, Klitz W, Henderson B, Haiman CA, Winkler C, Tusie-Luna T, Ruiz-Linares A, Reich D. (2007) A genomewide admixture map for Latino populations. Am J Hum Gene 80(6):1024-1036.
  3. Wang S, Ray N, Rojas W, Parra Mv, Bedoya G, Gallo C, Poletti G, Mazzotti G, Hill K, Hurtado AM, Camrena B, Nicolini H, Klitz W, Barrantes R, Molina JA, Freimer N, Bortolini MC, Salzano FM, Petzl- Erler ML, Tsuneto LT, Dipierri JE, Alfaro EL, Bailliet G, Bianchi NO, Llop E, Rothhammer F, Excoffier L, Ruiz-Linares A. (2008) Geographic patterns of genome admixture in Latin American Mestizos. PLoS Genetics 4(3):e1000037.