Available Samples | Family Relationships | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shared Samples
The International HapMap Collection shares some samples with the 1000 Genomes Project. Please click here to view Han Chinese samples that are also part of the 1000 Genomes Project.
Population Description
These cell lines and DNA samples were prepared from blood samples collected from people living in the residential community at Beijing Normal University. All of the samples are from unrelated individuals who identified themselves as having at least three out of four Han Chinese grandparents.
Referring to Populations
It is important to refer to this community as "Han Chinese in Beijing, China" when describing describing these samples in articles or presentations. Including the full name reinforces the point that the sample set does not represent all Han Chinese people, nor of all people in China, where there are 56 officially recognized ethnicities. The population should not be described merely as "Asian" or as "East Asian", terms that encompass many communities.
The full population descriptor is Han Chinese in Beijing, China and the abbreviation is CHB.
Additional guidance about how to refer to the populations can be found at Guidelines for Referring to the Populations in Publications and Presentations.
Principal Investigators