CEPH Resources

The Centre d'Etude du Polymorphism Humain (CEPH), Foundation Jean Dausset in Paris, France, transferred lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) from its collection of 61 reference families to the NIGMS Repository. The samples are available as LCLs and DNA samples. Family relationships were verified at Coriell and approved by CEPH. Additional data regarding these samples are available on the CEPH website:http://www.cephb.fr/.


The Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH), Foundation Jean Dausset, Paris, France has contributed its collection of 61 reference families to the Repository. The CEPH collection includes families collected by R. White (Utah), J. Dausset (French), J. Gusella (Venezuelan), and J. Egeland (Amish). There are a total of 809 individuals accounting for 832 pedigree positions in the reference families.

This panel of reference families is an important resource for the characterization of DNA polymorphisms, the construction of the human genetic map, and other research efforts where access to a common reference data set is of value.

The most efficient approach to constructing genetic maps of all the chromosomes is to type the same set of families and to contribute the genotypes to and use a database in which these data accumulate. This is the basis for the CEPH international collaboration to genetically map the human genome. One hundred and three collaborating laboratories in the U.S.A., Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia and Japan genotype DNA from the reference families and send the data to CEPH where they are merged into a database which is available to all collaborators for the construction of genetic maps. Several maps of the human genome have been published based on the genotypes from CEPH reference families, the most recent by the NIH/CEPH Collaborative Mapping Group (Science 258, 67-86, 1992) and by Weissenbach et al. (Nature 359, 794-801, 1992).

CEPH and the NIGMS Repository strongly recommend that investigators utilizing the extended family collection of LCLs contribute their genotypic data to CEPH for inclusion in the database. CEPH will provide the database to all those who contribute genotypes.

Further information on collaboration with CEPH can be obtained by contacting: CEPH at Foundation Jean Dausset

Samples from these families were also used for the International HapMap Project (HapMap Project; for samples see HapMap Samples).


Dausset J, Cann H, Cohen D, Lathrop M, Lalouel JM, and White R. Centre d'etude du polymorphisme humain (CEPH): collaborative genetic mapping of the human genome. Genomics 6:575-7 (1990). PMID: 2184120

Cann HM. CEPH maps. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2:393-9 (1992) PMID: 1504612

CEPH Family Kits 
CEPH Families