Coriell's Spin-off Poised to Make Big Impact


Dr. Michael Christman, Coriell's President and CEO and a founding member of Coriell Life Sciences (CLS), and Scott Megill, President and CEO of CLS, spoke with Aaron Krol of Bio-IT World for an update on personalized medicine efforts at Coriell.

The article spotlights the Institute's innovative research initiative, the Coriell Personalized Medicine Collaborative research study, which has paved the way for a spin-off venture. By leveraging the framework of the CPMC, CLS is able to focus on the storage, interpretation and incorporation of genetic data at the point-of-care.

"We realized fairly recently that there was a commercial activity here," Dr. Christman says in the piece, while explaining the formation of CLS. "The gulf that exists between the expert genomic scientists, on the one hand, and physicians in a community practice on the other hand, is huge. And there's not adequate infrastructure to get those two groups to talk to each other. There's a big need for someone to be an expert custodian of genome information."

Click here to read the full article.

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