
  • Sep 2022

    The NIA Aging Cell Repository: A Resource to Foster Collaborations Across RCCN

    How might your aging research benefit from or contribute to the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Aging Cell Repository? A recent webinar hosted by the NIA's Research Centers Collaborative Network explored the background of the collection held at Coriell, an introduction to induced pluripotent stem cells, and and the important role the Aging Cell Repository plays in aging research today.

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  • Sep 2022

    NIGMS Repository: 50 Years of Biobanking History

    First established at Coriell in 1972, this collection of cells and DNA is one of the very first at Coriell and is an extension of our founder Dr. Lewis L. Coriell’s mission: To provide scientists around the world with standardized biomaterials of the highest quality to support research.

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  • Sep 2022

    Patients Open to Pharmacogenetic Testing in Opioid Medication Management

    While the United States continues to battle an addiction and overdose epidemic that has caused great harm across the nation, prescription opioid painkillers remain a common tool in managing chronic pain. In an open access article published this month in Pharmaceutics, researchers working with the Camden Opioid Research Initiative (CORI) have demonstrated that the majority of study patients are open to pharmacogenetic testing as part of their medication management. Pharmacogenetics is the study of genetic variation that impacts each individual’s response to medications.

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  • Sep 2022

    NINDS Human Genetics Resource Celebrates 20 Years!

    This collection, housed at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research since its creation, contains cell lines, DNA, and extensive de-identified clinical data from thousands of patients diagnosed with a wide range of neurological disorders, including some of the most pressing diseases of our time—stroke, parkinsonism, and several others.

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  • Aug 2022

    Illuminating Human Cells with the Allen Cell Collection

    A Q&A with Jacqueline Smith at the Allen Institute for Cell Science

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  • Jul 2022

    Coriell Scientists Awarded ISBER’s Inaugural Best Paper Award

    ISBER awarded a team of Coriell scientists its inaugural ISBER Best Paper Award for their article “Microsatellite Markers in Biobanking: A New Multiplexed Assay,” published in the journal Biopreservation and Biobanking. This paper detailed the development of a novel microsatellite assay to ensure proper sample identification while doing the utmost to maintain donor protections.

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  • Jul 2022

    Drawing Blood to Advance New Therapies

    A Coriell team working with the NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository attended the recent HCUA, OAA and PAF Conference to help those affected by these heritable diseases donate blood samples to the collection. While collection of these samples can sometimes be tricky, Coriell teams are on hand to assist advocacy groups with their donation drives.

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  • Jun 2022

    Custom Repository Services to Suit Unique Needs

    Because not all scientists have the same needs, many of the collections in Coriell’s care allow for custom sample solutions for the customers who need something not offered on the catalog. Our labs are ready to work with customers on customized orders, tailoring products to best fit your exact need.

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  • May 2022

    Maya Butani, Coriell Institute Science Fair Winner, Wins International First Place Award

    Congratulations to Maya Butani, a winner in this year’s Coriell Institute Science Fair, for her recent first place award at the 2022 International Science and Engineering Fair! Maya received the first place award in the Biochemistry category for her work investigating the utility of plant tissue in human tissue engineering.

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  • Apr 2022

    Thank You to Coriell’s Many Lab Professionals!

    The last week of April is Medical Laboratory Professionals Week and like so many scientific organizations, we at Coriell would be nowhere without the dozens of lab professionals who make this work possible.

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